Regulating Emotions in Depression and Anxiety

Grant H. Brenner on regulating Emotions in Depression and Anxiety (full text available here)

I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you're not alone. —Dwayne Johnson

Depression and anxiety are distinct from one another, while also overlapping. Depression can involve intrusive negative thoughts and pessimistic fears which overlap with worry and anxiety. Unremitting symptoms of anxiety and panic contribute to hopeless and helpless, leading one to feel trapped, without escape from emotional pain, increasing suicide risk. Depressive and anxiety disorders are common, account for a high level of distress and disability, and are widely recognized as being under-treated.

David Bell, Leon Kleimberg and Michael Parsons in conversation with Caterina Albano, curator of the Science Museum exhibition 'Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious in Everyday Life'

David Bell, Leon Kleimberg and Michael Parsons in conversation with Caterina Albano, curator of the Science Museum exhibition 'Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious in Everyday Life' (Oct 2010-Sept 2011). Friday 18th March 2011, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London.